LeRoy Johnson Eagle Fitness Center

Welcome to the LeRoy Johnson Eagle Fitness Center, open to the Northwest University community!

Believing that the achievement of excellence in bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is one of the pathways to understand and know God, the Eagle Fitness Center is another way for students to connect with our university mission. We are hoping that this facility will serve the Northwest University community by unifying and inspiring students and employees to pursue physical fitness and build good habits of exercise. We also hope to provide our intercollegiate athletes with this important advantage for success on the field of competition.

We are located on the first floor of the Barton Building and are open daily, 5:00am-11:00pm.

All patrons must complete a Liability Waiver each academic year. Save time – review and electronically sign the waiver before scanning into the fitness center on the EFC Client Dashboard:

Using the Eagle Fitness Center

  • Safety – work out with at least one other person. Everyone must follow the buddy system while in the EFC.
  • Accountability – scan ID card at front desk.
  • Stewardship – keep the door closed while working out and turn off the lights upon leaving the fitness center.

Who can use the EFC?

The Eagle Fitness Center is available for current NU students, alumni, employees, and employee and student family members. A University ID card must be presented when entering the facility.

To maintain a safe environment for fitness activities, we request that parents do not bring children under 12 years old into the fitness facility. Children under 18 years old may use the fitness equipment if accompanied by a parent, guardian, or NU Athletics staff.

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